A Daily Life Near a War Zone (On the Earth is a Velicoraptor)

*the sun rises from the mountains as Jenna wakes up and breathes in the air filled with gunpowder and ash*

Jenna: Ah another beautiful day *a cheeseburger nuke erupts behind in the backround*

*Jenna walks down then feeds her soap rhinos  and takes off the sponges on there backs and squeezes them into a jar (to collect the healing properties that secrease on its back)*

soap rhino: MOOOOOOOOO

Jenna: calm down Spring I won’t be gone long

*it takes a few days to walk to the closest battle ground, she opens up her stand near the side of the war zone*


*a man covered with gold armor and a huge sword went up to the stand *

Jenna: Hello sir 25 copper coins for a small bottle!

???:Will this work *man hands her a gold nugget*

Jenna: That’s more than enough here have a medium bottle!

???: Thank you *the armored man leaps back into battle*

*time passes a few more people from the battle ground come in and get potions and only 2 bottles of healing potion are left and Jenna packs up her stand and heads back home*

*Jenna comes rents a flying goose and gets back at home and goes to pet Spring when a enormous light came from the battle field she was just at, then a enormous gust of wind hit her almost pulling up the soap rhinos fences*

Jenna: Wow that battle seems pretty intense I wonder what’s going on.

*Jenna walks into her house goes to bed but lies awake still thinking about the blast, right then she hears something outside…*




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