Daily Life Near a War Zone Part 4: The Void

Jenna: Opens the door to see a man in golden armor another with puffy hair, one with purple hair and 2 others with scary weapons….she slowly closes the door*

*Golden armor man busts open the door* Golden armor man: DON’T ACT LIKE YOU DIDN’T SEE US

*4 others join him as Jenna bolted up the stares and out of the cave*

Jenna: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *Jenna trips over a rock and crawls behind a tree next to her cart

Puffy hair man: Where did she go?

Golden armor man: Well there is one thing to know for sure, we can’t let her escape she might have been a spy of the sky society

Blacked haired man with glasses: Well she is a bad one, and also how did she get past the field?

Golden armor man: how should I know?

Purple hair man: I don’t think she is a spy one, they wouldn’t have a spy follow us that is that terrible, and two she didn’t even have any kind of uniform

Puffy hair man: I guess your right

Another black colored hair man with glasses: Yeah we are about to go battle any- *there voices fade over in the distance as they walk back to the cave*

Jenna: (Thinking to herself) OH MY GHAD I ALMOST DIED

*she gets back up and picks up the pace back to her house and after a few minutes. WOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHH a powerful force launches her and her cart somewhere across the forest and somehow her and her cart lands perfectly*

Jenna: What in the world…*she climbed a tree and checked her surroundings*

Jenna: Hmmm…. it seems I am now 2 miles away from my house now…ARGHHH PERFECT JUST PERFECT

*Jenna climbs back down and starts heading towards her her house farther away than ever after a few minutes she decided to set up camp and get some rest because it was getting dark*

*BOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM a loud noise shook the ground waking her up early in the morning she looked where it came from and jumped to her feet*

Jenna: Well better take advantage of this

*Jenna runs quickly with her cart towards it and takes almost a hour, she pits a stop near the side of the battle zone. POTIONS GET YOUR POTIONS FOR SALE 20% off- realizes the intense amount of red every where*

Jenna: Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope

*Jenna runs from the battle field as fast as she can*

Jenna: Welp some battles you gotta bail, you know horse?

Horse: GhydfyuvhhynTrdU^V%Ythgtbhnhikedhcgybchjtrjhtncu

Jenna: Exactly

Jenna starts going home after a hour HOPING Something else didn’t get in her way of going home again when.. a huge black and purple void arose from the battle field*

Jenna: What the…*She had a instant need to go back to see the aftermath, so she did*

Jenna: HIYA come on horsey!

Horse: Jhfsehiekdfjghuejfhmniugrjtvhjkgiutnv

*The horse speed up and they road quickly to the battle field*

Jenna: Here we are…* Jenna looked out at the battle field that used to be covered in red was gone, only swords where left, but still, it was like a piece of the Earth just disappeared. She sighed sadly and picked up a medium sized jagged rock and lay it in the middle of the battle field then placed a purple flower next to the stone*

Jenna: For whoever was in this battle rest in peace… *she put her hands together and prayed

* Jenna now finally makes it home says hi to Spring and goes to bed*





The Daily Life Near a War Zone Part 3: The Meeting

*Jenna puts her wagon to a halt in front of a tall Steel gate of the Skyler Society which had 2 long legs imprinted on them for some reason*


Jenna: Umm… hi i’m Jenna a messenger guy told me someone called Skyler wanted to have a meeting with me?

Guard: *Yells to other guard* OPEN THE LEGS *the gate opens*

*Jenna walks into a town that had a sad aura and up above a huge floating castle she gets a ride up to it from a flying goose fish, she knocks on the palace door*

Jenna: Um hello? I came here for a meeting!

*The door opens by a solider*

Jenna: Uhhh, hello where do I go?

*The solider points forward*

Jenna: Okay thanks! *Jenna walks to the door and opens it to see a tall white haired man wearing a black and white robe*

Tall Man: Hello please take a seat

Jenna: Are you Skyler?

Tall man: No no but he will be here shortly

*Just then the door on the left opens to see a SHORT black haired man with a scorched arm walk in*

SHORT man: Hello you must be Jenna i’m Skyler

Jenna: Hello nice to meet you! Ummm… your arm seems a little burnt you need a healing potion? *Jenna hands Skyler a healing potion, he then pours it on his arm and it returns back to normal*

Skyler: Thank you

*Skyler took a seat at the front of the table.  The white haired man stayed in his seat but 3 more people came in, one with red puffy hair and a M on his shirt another with a purple WEAVE that looked dazed and another one with red streaks on her hair.*

Jenna: Ummm… what I sell and what I use I kinda don’t want to tell all these people

Skyler: That’s okay *he nodded to all of them and they left the room (even the guards)*

Skyler: So, the healing properties of your potion is like the DNA of soap hippos, I thought they where extinct

Jenna: Well my family for hundreds of generations have kept a group of soap hippos and used there healing properties too sell for money

Skyler: Huh…. how much do you want for 2 soap hippos

Jenna: I’m sorry but the soap hippos aren’t for sale, but I can give you a monthly dozen of medium size healing potions

Skyler: Very well I can do that I will send you 600 gold for each month, sound good?

Jenna: Yes that perfect! *Skyler and Jenna shook hands*

Skyler: Well would you like to have something to eat I can only imagine how long it took for you to get here

Jenna: I’m good I need to hit the road, its getting dark

Skyler: Okay I won’t stop you

*With that Jenna left the Skyler Society and was traveling back home. She actually was really hungry, but something just didn’t seem right about that place…*

*As Jenna was walking she was hit with a immensely sad aura coming from somewhere it almost made her cry*

Jenna: What the… what was that?!

*Plagued with curiosity she went closer to the sad aura until she came to a huge cave she touched the bumpy walls and of a sudden the wall started moving and soon it slide aside to showed a long hallway of stairs*

Jenna: Well i’m guess i’m going in, its about to get dark anyway

*Jenna walked down the stairs and came to a steel door that said BUNKER 9 she took a deep breath and opened the door…*




HOIIIII (Sign up For Parts in A Daily life Near a War zone)

Hello if you want you to be a part of this story please answer in the comments and weather or not you want to be on Skyler’s side or rebel.  But if you already have a side in Skyler’s story then you can’t change it, sorry.  So please let me know also I might use some people even without them commenting because they are in the in TEIAV so yeah that’s all.

Also put your name with the comment as well because some people I can’t see there names


A Daily Life Near a War zone Part 2: The Enexpected Guests

*Jenna quickly runs down the stairs and grabs a kitchen knife then slowly peeks outside the door, she spots 3 men with dark colored robs and weapons that are limping towards the house that seem really injured*

Jenna: H-hey! what is your business here?

Soldier 1: Please help us we are injured and need a place to stay we will pay you well after, just let us stay just for the night.

Jenna: O-okay come in * she opens the doors so the men could come in and sit down*

*she turns on the fire place and gives each of the men some healing potion infused tea*

Jenna: Sooo how did you get your injuries?

Soldier 2: We were near a battle not far from here our master pulled a revenge counter on the enemy but we didn’t get out of the way in time. so we have been trying to find a place to rest

Jenna: Wow, isn’t that a little careless for your master not to think about his people on his side that might get hurt

Soldier 3: H-he didn’t mean to hurt us we just got in the way that’s all and he has no time to worry about some measly soldiers

Jenna: Well…i’m going to set up the couch for you guys to sleep in for the night

Soldier 1: Thank you.

*Jenna grabs some sheets from upstairs and pulls out the bed folded into the couch she says goodnight to the men and soon falls asleep in her bed*

*The sun rises over the mountains and Jenna goes downstairs to check on the soldiers ,they were all awake folding up the bed back into the couch*

Jenna: Oh, I didn’t think you would be awake

Soldier 1: Well we have to leave and head back to the Sky Society to check back in with our master and it already takes a few days to get there

Jenna: Ok, then let me send you off with some medicine tea *she hands the soldiers 3 small bottles of the healing tea

Soldier 3: Thank you really for everything now please let us pay you-

Jenna: No please its on me

Soldier 2: Then we will tell our master about you will that be a suitable payment?

Jenna: Okay fine now get going before you get in trouble! *they waved at each other until they weren’t in sight then she returned back into the house*

*A week passed, then Jenna hears a knock on the door.  A man with silver armor with the longest sword I have seen stared down at me*

Messenger: King Skyler of the Sky Society has requested a audience with you to talk about trading with the healing potions, here is a map of where to head. *he handed her a map and with that he jumped back on his flying horse and road off*

Jenna: Well Spring, I guess i’m going to the Sky Society



A Daily Life Near a War Zone (On the Earth is a Velicoraptor)

*the sun rises from the mountains as Jenna wakes up and breathes in the air filled with gunpowder and ash*

Jenna: Ah another beautiful day *a cheeseburger nuke erupts behind in the backround*

*Jenna walks down then feeds her soap rhinos  and takes off the sponges on there backs and squeezes them into a jar (to collect the healing properties that secrease on its back)*

soap rhino: MOOOOOOOOO

Jenna: calm down Spring I won’t be gone long

*it takes a few days to walk to the closest battle ground, she opens up her stand near the side of the war zone*


*a man covered with gold armor and a huge sword went up to the stand *

Jenna: Hello sir 25 copper coins for a small bottle!

???:Will this work *man hands her a gold nugget*

Jenna: That’s more than enough here have a medium bottle!

???: Thank you *the armored man leaps back into battle*

*time passes a few more people from the battle ground come in and get potions and only 2 bottles of healing potion are left and Jenna packs up her stand and heads back home*

*Jenna comes rents a flying goose and gets back at home and goes to pet Spring when a enormous light came from the battle field she was just at, then a enormous gust of wind hit her almost pulling up the soap rhinos fences*

Jenna: Wow that battle seems pretty intense I wonder what’s going on.

*Jenna walks into her house goes to bed but lies awake still thinking about the blast, right then she hears something outside…*




Rat Gang News

Welcome and a not good morning here at Rat Gang News for the weather we have a scorching hot day mid 1,000,000 degrees for the whole day so wear that sunscreen and stay indoors! Speaking of hot days the rat gang explorer group has found the last of its kind the soap bar rhino in the jungles of Jamaica it is said that there they drip off potions of immense healing on the rhinos that secrease off its back so we are capturing it for medical reasons to further our studies for health injuries. Well that all for today folks and ill see you tomorrow  on Rat Gang News!

Rat Gang Oscar Awards (dress tea)

Hello this is your daily Rat Tea coming at you not live with all the tea talk about rat celebrities dresses and tuxes.

 First up we have Cardi Rat with a flashy purple tuxedo with a disco gold tie.  Next up we have the dead Ratcheal Jackson revived from a random scientist coming out with a pink long sleeve dress going to his rat thighs with a spiral around the dress of rat meat colored glitter (we heard he wore it for 3 days straight).  Here we have walking into the red carpet is the one and only Justin Ratberlake rocking a gold cocktail dress with a glittering golden bow rapped around the dress made from fresh rat tails.  That all we have for today folks but we will be back with Rat Gang Tea Line.


Recently prisoner #921 escaped from Rat Gang Prison and is causing havoc on one of our smaller villages a few miles away though we don’t know his real wereabouts.  But if you live around this area stay indoors and only go outside if it is a emergency and if you seen him please call 911 and let us know immediately thank you for your patience.

If You Really Knew me you Would know…

That I love the idea of scary movies the movies!  themselfs though I am terrified of them they give me anxeity that something will come for me but the topic of horror and fear is a cool genre to play around with its a big insirpation for my drawings and characters.  Though once at a sleep over I did push myself to watch a scary movie with my friends, though it wasn’t very scary but then again it was a Netflix original scary movie so it was bound to be not very good, but it was still scary for me, after the movie I had anxeity that the group of creepy people in the movie were coming for me.  It is something that I still want to get better at and I might have better resistance when i’m older but until now I will stay away from them.